General knowledge of Bratislava Region the state/province of Slovakia

Mostly asked questions about the province Bratislava Region

What is the country of Bratislava Region ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Bratislava Region ?

How many cities are in the state Bratislava Region ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Bratislava Region ?

What are the name of cities of Bratislava Region ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Bratislava Region

First question is about the country which is Slovakia and SK is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Bratislava Region there is only 20 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Bratislava Region by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Bratislava Region
Country Name flag of SK Slovakia
Country Code SK
Total States of Slovakia 8
Total Cities of State 20

All Cities of Bratislava Region

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Bratislava 48.14816000 17.10674000
2 Bratislava - Vajnory 48.20563000 17.20759000
3 Dunajská Lužná 48.08347000 17.26072000
4 Ivanka pri Dunaji 48.18675000 17.25540000
5 Malacky 48.43604000 17.02188000
6 Marianka 48.24903000 17.06400000
7 Modra 48.33397000 17.30711000
8 Okres Bratislava I 48.14653000 17.10584000
9 Okres Bratislava II 48.15280000 17.17764000
10 Okres Bratislava III 48.18543000 17.13790000
11 Okres Bratislava IV 48.22787000 16.99722000
12 Okres Bratislava V 48.11122000 17.09444000
13 Okres Malacky 48.43458000 17.02166000
14 Okres Pezinok 48.28785000 17.26799000
15 Okres Senec 48.22187000 17.40328000
16 Pezinok 48.28986000 17.26664000
17 Senec 48.21951000 17.40043000
18 Stupava 48.27474000 17.03173000
19 Svätý Jur 48.25216000 17.21539000
20 Vinosady 48.31142000 17.29042000